Phoenix, AZ
Patient: 48-Year-old male suffering from non-healing surgical wound
Medical History: Diabetes, vascular issues, PVD, not a ...
The Blogs
Dr. Rena D. Pine
Wound Nurse: Kathy Brown, RN, MN, CWOCN, Rochester, New York
Patient: 72 year old female with a traumatic wound on left shin
Age of ...
Ronald Levine, MD
Internal Medicine, Board Certified, Cos Cob, Connecticut
Patient: 65 year old Caucasian male with non-healing diabetic wound on his foot
Age of Wound: Greater than 4 ...
Dr. Christine Salcher, DPM
Sherman, Texas and Amyee McAlister, Healthline
Patient: 50-year-old Caucasian female with a pressure ulcer that has progressively gotten larger, deeper, more malodorous, fibrotic, ...
Cindy S. Bailey RN, BSN, WCC
Genesis Medical, Indianapolis, Indiana
Patient: 89 year old female with chronic non-healing ulcer of the right lower leg
Medical History: Diabetic type ...
Plastic Surgery, Phoenix, AZ
Patient: 26 year old female suffering from soft tissue deficiency following an elective abdominoplasty
Wound History: Duration of tissue deficiency present for more than 60 days ...
Stephanie Wu, DPM, MSc, Chicago Illinois
Patient: 53-year-old female
Wound History: Duration of ulcer prior to treatment with CDO was 5 months
Medical History: History of venous insufficiency with ulcers ...