Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcer using CDO Therapy

Cindy S. Bailey RN, BSN, WCC
Genesis Medical, Indianapolis, Indiana
Patient: 89 year old female with chronic non-healing ulcer of the right lower leg
Medical History: Diabetic type II, PVD, Dementia, HTN, Diverticulitis, Vascular disease, L eye implant, anxiety, Renal Artery Stenosis, Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Femoral and Renal Stenosis, Osteoporosis.
Previous Therapy: Patient had a venous duplex ultrasound, Arterial Duplex. All impressions show severe occlusion in popliteal artery, femoral artery, post tibial artery = Advance atherosclerotic arterial occlusion disease in right lower extremity.
Treatment: OxyGeni® set at 10 ml/hr using a two-part moisture absorbent dressing and oc-clusive layer.
Days on Service: 47 days
Outcome: Wound Healed.