Calluses: Friend or Foe?

What is going on inside the skin?
Take a look at these next photos: this first one shows a problem occurring in the most common area for calluses.
This woman came in with a large diabetic foot ulcer over the ball of her foot. Over the last ths (the 4th and 5th metatarsal heads), she has calluses. She could not feel her feet due to neuropathy. Her open wound itself was clean, non-infected, and pretty superficial.
Now take a look at these next two close-ups: they are the same picture, a side view of a callus seen from the inside out. The callus is white because it is moist. Look at the thickness of those built up layers! It’s just like having a built in rock in her shoe.
Left unattended, that callus would have bore a hole through the outer layers of the skin and cause more wounding. When this woman came in, we removed the layers of callus (by debridement) and gave her good pressure relief.
Here is the good news! This photo was taken just 2 weeks later: her wound has closed and her calluses are much less!
So how do you prevent callus formation?
Prevention is the key – as with any pressure problem. Calluses form where there is FOCUSED pressure and friction and there are 26 bones in the foot! Calluses are reduced when pressure is redistributed on softer, more pressure tolerant areas of the feet with the right inserts and shoes.
We all come in different shapes and sizes. See a foot specialist to evaluate your feet and to get properly fitted inserts and shoes to give your foot the right support (from a podiatrist or a pedorthist). In general, you want the “Goldilocks” version of footwear: Not too small to where it will create pressure, Not too big that it will slide and create friction, but …
Just the right size!
It has been said: “Pain is a gift that nobody wants”. If you cannot feel your feet, they will not alert you to a problem. This is the crux of neuropathy and the development of wounds. Protect your feet by inspecting, cleaning, and moisturizing them daily (or having someone look at them for you if you cannot see them) to catch any problems early. See for a complete list of foot care and prevention tips.
With a good team, proper pressure relief footwear, and regular attention to your feet, you will make big strides toward good health.
So Spring into action toward happier feet!
*Sage, Ronald. “Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association.” Outpatient Care and Morbidity Reduction in Diabetic Foot Ulcers Associated with Chronic Pressure Callus. JAPMA, 1 June 2001. Web. 20 July 2013.
This blog post was written by Robin Carlson, PT CWS
What is PT CWS? Physical Therapist and Certified Wound Specialist