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Oxygen Wound Therapy


Just like the telephone, the technology behind continuous diffusion of oxygen (CDO) for wounds has dramatically evolved over the last 15 years. High level published data demonstrates these next generation devices, like the OxyGeni ® provide fast complete wound healing with decreased pain. 17-23, 30-34

With the OxyGeni ® your patients can see improved outcomes whether they are sufferent from diabetic and lower limb ulcers or post surgical wounds.

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What is OxyGeni ®?

OxyGeni Device

The OxyGeni from EO2 Concepts ® is a wearable oxygen generator with oxygen diffusion dressings. The OxyGeni ® from EO2 is a wearable oxygen generator with oxygen diffusion dressings. The OxyGeni ® provides pure humidified oxygen to the wound through a special oxygen diffusion dressing. The result is faster, more complete healing with less pain because it allows your body’s natural antibacterial properties to do what they do naturally. Most importantly, CDO is wearable, so it can go wherever you go, promoting continuous healing. Benefits of CDO therapy include:

  • icon that represents faster healing
    Silent therapy
  • icon that represents less pain during healing
    Device can be charged anywhere
  • icon that represents reduced risk of infection
    Fast, easy dressing application
  • icon that represents better long-term healing success
    Superior clinical support

To learn more about the benefits of the OxyGeni ®, please read the following case study.

Case Study

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Is the OxyGeni®Right For Your Patients? 

No matter which DFU treatment you use to treat your patients, the OxyGeni ® is a standalone therapy system that delivers faster results and can be incorporated with other therapy systems. The OxyGeni ®can be used with:

  • Off Loading boots
  • Una Boot
  • 4 Layer compression
  • Biologics
  • Collagen/Alginates
  • And more
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How Do I Get Oxygen Wound Therapy?

VGM Homelink can connect you to local experts that understand wound healing process. Our team is led by Amy. Amy and her team can connect with you one-on-one and walk you through how CDO therapy can be a benefit for your patients. Our team can also let you know if insurance coverage is available in your area for your patients. Contact Amy’s team to get started and get your questions answered.

Contact the EO2 Team at Homelink that are dedicated specialists for CDO Therapy. Amy‘s team is committed to helping patients find the care they need.

Contact Amy's Team

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To get answers to your questions, or to get your treatment process started, Call Amy's Team at 800-816-9391

Amy Camarata profile picture

Meet Amy

  • More than 20 years getting people like you the treatments and equipment they need
  • Understands patient care coordination, billing and benefits
  • Compassionate and committed to getting veterans better wound care