Welcome to the turning of summer into fall! As we are encountering everything from colorful trees to colorful politicians, let’s turn our attention to ...
The Blogs
Years ago, when I was very green in the wound care field, I was asking one of my mentors, “How do I know what ...
Last month we explored one type of surgical wound: What happens when a closed surgical incision opens up?
This month, let’s look at the other ...
Many of us in our lifetime will have some sort of incision. After surgery, incisions will be closed by special glue, staples, or sutures ...
Every day in our wound clinic there is one topic that comes up in many different forms: How do I clean my wound? What ...
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What is going on inside the skin?
Take a look at these next photos: this ...
5 Do’s and Dont’s of Pressure Ulcers
Last month we discussed how skin can be under pressure as well as the mechanics of getting a ...